Nominate a "Next Generation Voice" speaker for Design Currency 2010

Nominate a "Next Generation Voice" speaker for Design Currency 2010
Ronna Chisholm, February 11, 2021 at 1:20 PM
As chair of the speakers committee, I am thrilled with our final line up of speakers for Design Currency 2010. An Icograda conference is unique in the international diversity of high quality speakers and for our Vancouver event, we aimed to not only bring an incredible range of international experts, but also to create some dynamic conversations amongst our speakers and audience.

With this in mind, the actual number of speakers over two days has been mind boggling to schedule and we are anticipating some stimulating and provocative interaction. We also have two Ted Talk speakers and incredible new people you will discover.

The selection of speakers was an exhaustive process, reaching out to our broader committee for names and sifting through about over a hundred names. Although we arrived at an amazing collection of high caliber professionals and received a resounding response to our invitations, we regretfully had to pass on many names of brilliant people.

We are confident that the audience will be blown away by our experts, but now we’d love to hear your suggestions for one more speaker!

Let us know a person you’d like to nominate who is under 30 and would do a great job at representing the ‘next generation voice’. We can’t promise anything, but we’ll do our best to bring them to our stage in Vancouver.


Carlos Rosa(5 months ago)
How can i nominate someone?
Should i do it here in the blog? ou by email?

Ronna Chisholm(5 months ago)
Send your nominations on the blog.

Thanks for the question Carlos.

Carlos Rosa(5 months ago)
Sorry about taht but i'd like to nominate myself!
And why?
I am a Ph.D. student with many papers around the world, I am a design professor in a portuguese design faculty ( since i was 22 years old, i am a graphic designer ( and i recently won the Portuguese National Design Award for Graphic Designers under 35!

Why not?

Thanks! :)

Ricardo Macieira(5 months ago)
Yeah, why not carlos?
He was my design teacher, and he could be a good speaker in Design Currency 2010.

Mark Randall(5 months ago)
AMAZING Emily Pilloton

Kurt Schmidt(5 months ago)
I would nominate Andrew Vickers. Amazing talent.

Angie van Broekhuizen(5 months ago)
I would like to nominate David Downing.

Mark Busse(5 months ago)
These suggestions are great, but I think it would make more sense if folks would post some brief background info and a rationale WHY they are the voice of the next generation. Have they spoken before? Include a link!

DSR(5 months ago)
Caleb Everitt ~

Sean Brennan(5 months ago)
I respectfully nominate Haris Silic. Along with overcoming challenges such as leaving Bosnia in the middle of a war as a child, and being an outstanding emerging designer. As an intern, Haris developed and implemented an organic SEO strategy for one of the more notable firms in the Tampa, area–literally creating a new avenue for revenue generation for the firm–again, this is an intern. Haris understands the bigger, global impact of design the (the BIG D) which is rarely seen by emerging the designer just entering the industry. He is also the youngest Board member of the Tampa Bay (FL) chapter of AIGA | the professional association for design.

Diogo Massano(5 months ago)
Hello, i´m a graphic designer working with Carlos Rosa ( and I can't think of anyone better to be a speaker at Design Currency 2010. He's developing an amazing work about the Olympic pictograms which includes a systemic analysis about them shapes and forms.
So i'd like to nominate him!

George Boutilier(5 months ago)
Re: a person you’d like to nominate who is under 30 and would do a great job at representing the ‘next generation voice’. -would that be inches or centimeters?

Steve Mynett(5 months ago)
I'd love to see Aza Raskin (head of UX for Mozilla Labs). For more details you can read his blog or see a sample post on browser based identity.

For examples of his speaking work check out his vision for a you-centric browser design and conversational computing.

Why do I think this is important? The world is moving more and more online and for this to happen, the browser has to adapt and change from what it was, to something that works for us. Aza is at the cutting edge of what Mozilla is doing and pushing development in these directions. Though these developments are currently limited to one browser (Firefox) but as new standards are written/adopted (and old ones dropped) designers need to know what is going to be possible online.

Could talk more about these issues and why they are important but going to keep this short for now.

Ohhh, one more thing. He has a big passion for beer! Gotta count for something!

Brooke Allen(5 months ago)
Oded Ezer,
A typographic artist, logo and type designer, lecturer and a typographic experimentalist.


SETH LABENZ + ROY RUB - born in Columbus, NE and Tel Aviv, Israel, respectively. Met as classmates while studying at The Cooper Union in New York City, and in 2005 and opened Topos Graphics, fueled by the idea of making meaning containers through printed matter. Their work has been recognized by numerous books and periodicals, most notably Print Magazine's 2008 New Visual Artists Review (industry leaders selected 20 designers under the age of 30 seen to be rising talents with promise). They also spoke at AIGA NY's Cause/Effect conference in 2007.

Tiffany Benadiva(5 months ago)
I would like to nominate Moshik Nadav from Jerusalem Israel. Moshik studied at Bezalel Acadamy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and then went on to OCAD in Toronto, Ontario. Moshik currently works as a freelance graphic designer in Israel and has been approached by Taschen who has expressed serious interest in his works.

~(5 months ago)
abi huynh ~

Anabella Alfonzo(5 months ago)
Yes! Yes! Oded Ezer!!!
His work is very innovative and different; very interesting typographic work experimenting with different media.

zharrison(4 months ago)
Antonio Garcia, Art Director for the AIGA Center for CrossCultural design. Dedicated to issues of Design across Cultures and in the global marketplace. See highlights of his presentation for RGD Ontario here:

João Gabriel(4 months ago)
Luis Carli to represent Brazil.

Enrolled in master level in faculty of architecture and urbanism at the University of São Paulo, his research is about the application os complex systems in the process of design.

He already showcased his work on International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo, on the museum of contemporary art (MAC USP), on the International Festival of Electronic Language (FILE), among others.

His site:

Troy Tabor(4 months ago)
I would like to nominate Ty Wilkins of TypeTheory and Gardner Design. While less than 30 years old, Ty has already has worked on brand development for Chrysler, Kroger, Cargill, Busch Gardens and, as well as many others. His ideas on design are fresh, stunning, and his theories and work will be part of the world landscape in brand development. His work can be found at,, and soon at

Macully Clayton(4 months ago)
I would like to nominate Tommy Humphreys -

Nicholas Molnar(4 months ago)
I second Macully's nom of Tommy Humphries. PACWEBCO has been killing it lately. Check out to see what they're capable of.

vanzari auto(4 months ago)
That is a very important thing. I hope will succeed the right person.

Miss Gadget(4 months ago)
Agree with Mark Randall, I Would like to nominate the amazing Emily Pilloton :)

Jamie Koval(4 months ago)
I hope I'm not too late. Here are a few Chicago folks worth consideration.

Mig Reyes, creative director for Threadless online
Scott Reinhard (ex-VSAer, MCA currently, hopefully headed to Yale, under 30, my personal favorite):
Alex Fuller (part of The Post Family):
Chad Kouri (Post Family, collage artist):
David Sieren (also Post Family):
Rod Hunting (design illustrator, cool stuff, Post Family):
Jonathan Krohn:

Other cool Firms here in Chicago…
Delicious Design League:
Killswitch Collective (multi-dimentional designers here in Chicago):
Oh No Doom Collective (it's a toy-store/design group, sort of like KidRobot but different):
Plural Design (Jeremiah Chiu in particular):
Will Work For Good (don't know where they are, not Chicago, but interesting work):

Hope you are enjoying the games. Go USA!

Jason Santa Maria(4 months ago)
Three web design experts who would be ideal candidates as speakers for Design Week:

Khoi Vinh (Design Director,
Nicholas Felton (Designer, Author, Educator):
Naz Hamid: (Designer, Speaker)

Naz(4 months ago)
Frank Chimero, ( who has been thinking & writing about this sort of thing quite a bit recently.

Mark(4 months ago)
Check out Timothy Goodman, whose history, portfolio, experience and perspectives, would be a terrific addition to the Design Week lineup!

Adam(4 months ago)
Tommy Humphreys, president of PACWEBCO, a boutique web design and development agency in Vancouver. Tommy has led several innovative projects, including, most recently,

lisa(4 months ago)
Damn i was just in Vancouver for the Olympics if id know this was coming up i would of prolonged my stay.

Jacob(4 months ago)
I would like to nominate MOSHIK NADAV!
He is a type based & Graphic designer from israel.
See his portfolio on:

Yvette(4 months ago)
Timo Boese from Berlin, Germany

Todd Falkowsky(3 months ago)
Founder of Motherbrand now lives in Vancouver, grab 'em.

pc pro schools(3 months ago)
I agree with Steve Mynett. I think that Aza Raskin would be an excellent choice. His incredible ventures online have had a great impact that newer generations should try to follow.

Checked out some of the nominees here . Really liked

Timo Boese
Timothy Goodman

They both seem to have solid and diverse overall skills

essay paper(1 month ago)
There is no doubt that this is a very important thing. I hope will succeed the right person.
